Privacy Policy

The below Privacy Policy relates to the website “

Section 1.0: User Privacy:

• User privacy and data protection are human rights.

• We have a duty of care to process people’s data responsibly.

• Data is a liability, and therefore, it will only be collected and processed when absolutely necessary.

• We will never make your personal data public, sell, or otherwise distribute.

Section 2.0: Data Protection Legislation:

Aligning with our business & internal computer systems, this website is designed to comply with the following international legislation;

UK Data Protection Act (1998)

• EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), (2018)

Section 3.0: Personal information that this website collects:

This website collects and uses personal information for the following reasons;

3.1: Site Visit Tracking

Similar to the majority of websites, this site uses Google Analytics to track user information. We use this data to quantify the number of people who using our site, how they find the site (i.e. organic search, social media etc.) and their journey through our site.

Although Google Analytics records such data as device, location, operating system & internet browser, it does not hold any
Personally Identifiable Information (PII). Google Analytics does log your computer’s IP address (which could be used to personally identify you), but Google Analytics do not give The Seriously Group Ltd access to this.

Google Analytics makes use of cookies, details of which can be found here. Disabling cookies on your internet browser will disable the ability for Google Analytics to track your visit to pages within the website. We consider Google to be a third party data processor (see Section 6 below).

3.2: ‘Contact Us’ forms

Should you choose to contact us using the contact form on our website (here), none of the data that is supplied will be stored by this website or processed / passed to a third party data processor (as outlined in Section 6). Instead, the data will be collated into an email
and sent using the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP).

Section 4.0: How we store your personal information:

We do not store any personal information on this website, as outlined in Section 3.2.

Section 5.0: About this websites server:

This websites server is hosted by UpriseVSI, who use Siteground as their hosting service. Some of the data centre’s notable security features are;

• Frequently updated services (apache + PHP, MySQL, Exim, etc).

• Powerful Intrusion Prevention System called ‘1H Hawk’. This helps identify if someone is trying to access passwords etc. and block their IP in real time.

• ‘HackAllert’ system that monitors the website on a daily basis and notifies us about any malicious code / website security issues.

All traffic (transferring files) between the website and the end browser is encrypted, and delivered over HTTPS.

Section 6.0: Our third-party data processors:

We use third parties to process personal data on our behalf. The third parties have been chosen to ensure they comply with legislation set out in Section 2.0.

The third party used below is based in USA and is EU-U.S Privacy Shield compliant.

Google (Privacy Policy)

Section 7.0: Data Breaches:

We will endeavour to report any unlawful data breaches on this website or the database of any of our third party data processors to any and all relevant persons and authorities within 72 hours of the breach if it is apparent that personal data has been stolen which can personally identify you.

Section 8.0: Data Controller:

The data controller of this website is;

The Seriously Group Limited – a UK Private Limited Company – company number 08781507.

Section 10.0: Changes to our Privacy Policy:

This privacy policy may change from time to time to keep in line with legislation / industry requirements. We will not inform you of these changes, so it is advised that you check this page regularly for any policy changes. Any changes made are detailed in the log below.

Why choose SERIOUSLY?

Attention to Details

It’s our attention to the small stuff, scheduling of timelines and keen project management that makes us stand out from the rest. We are creative, while keeping a close eye on the calendar and your budget.


We’re not about cutting corners to make your project fit a template. We look honestly at how best we can deliver printed projects to a budget and on schedule, identifying potential problems in advance and using creative thinking to produce perfect results.


By overseeing every step, from initial concept, to print, through to delivery and distribution, we make sure our quality standards are always upheld.

We understand print, inside-out.

Design, Print & Production

Solutions in Print

We’re not just another printing company; we’re a collective that brings together a wealth of industry experience, to deliver the highest quality print to our clients.